Full Moon Yoga: Sequence, Intentions, Meditation, Ritual & Benefits to Help You Let Go

Full Moon Yoga: Sequence, Intentions, Meditation, Ritual & Benefits to Help You Let Go

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▶️ Full moon yoga sequence step by step + video
🌕 Full moon yoga meaning
🌕 Full moon yoga benefits
🌕 When is the next full moon
🌕 Full moon intention setting journaling ritual
🌕 Full moon yoga meditation mantra
▶️ 30 minute full moon yoga nidra guided relaxation video
🌕 Simple modern practical full moon rituals to clear clutter, negative habits and energy
🌕 Traditional full moon names
🌕 Full moon yoga hiking experience asheville nc

Yoga is inspired by nature. 

Most of the poses and sequences are named after plants, animals and celestial bodies. 

You’ve most likely heard of Sun Salutations or Surya Namaskar in Sanskrit. This yoga sequence represents the rising and setting of the sun and are traditionally practice facing East where the sun rises each day.

There are a few different variations of sun salutations in traditional yoga practices such as Hatha Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga and even more modern Vinyasa Yoga.

Full Moon Yoga Sequence

There is also a Full Moon yoga sequence called Moon Salutations or Chandra Namaskar in Sanskrit. It represents cycling through the phases of the moon.
🌑 🌒 🌓 🌔 🌕 🌖 🌗 🌘

We typically move forward and backward on our mats during a yoga practice. This moon salutation sequence moves side to side, which intentionally disrupts your energy and usual yoga sequence/routines in a good way!

Full Moon Yoga Meaning

In yoga, the sun, solar energy and the right side of the body is considered masculine. Masculine energy is fast, warm, energizing, more disciplined.

The moon, lunar energy and the left side of the body is considered feminine. Feminine energy is slow, cool, relaxing, more flowing. 

Full Moons are a time to embrace more feminine energy for both men and women. 

The Full Moon is the time to let go of what no longer serves you physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. 

Full Moon yoga benefits include :

• Self-care/self-reflection, 
• Releasing unwanted energy and
• Staying connected to Nature.  

🌕 When is the next Full Moon?

The full moon (or lunar phase cycle) happens once every 29.5 days or roughly once per month.

On rare occasions, two full moons may happen in the same month. The second full moon within the same month is called a Blue Moon. Hence the saying “Once in a Blue Moon” is used to describe events that hardly ever happens.

Full Moon dates vary from year to year so find this year’s current full moon dates via the Farmer’s Almanac

Full Moon Intentional Setting Journaling Ritual 

You’ll need: Paper/journal, pen/pencil, Yoga mat, blanket(s), + pillows/cushions and any other props to make you feel comfortable

The Full Moon is the time to let go of what no longer serves you physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. 

Examples include: physical objects, habits, behaviors, relationships and thoughts. 

What is the first thing that comes to mind that you feel a need to release right now? It is often something that makes you feel heavy/anxious/angry/fearful/self-loathing. Set a timer for 1, 3 or 5 minutes and write about whatever comes to mind.

Full Moon Yoga Meditation Mantra: Let Go

Sit comfortably on your yoga mat or a cushion/pillow and close your eyes. Visualize the thing that you want to release. It can be the actual thing or a word or object that represents that thing. 

Breath deeply and slowly and think silently to yourself “Let” on the inhale and “Go” on the exhale. Inhale “Let”, Exhale “Go.” 

You can set a timer for 3-5 minutes or just repeat as many times as you intuitively feel are needed. 

You can go straight into the Yoga Nidra practice after this; especially if practicing in the evening/darkness.

Optional: If you want a little movement before laying down for 30 minutes, you can practice some Moon Salutations (Chandra Namaskar).

30 Minute Full Moon Yoga Nidra

Write the thing you want to let go of on a scrap or loose piece of paper. Fold it and keep it next to your mat. 

Lay down on your mat and get comfortable - but not TOO comfortable. Cover up with a blanket as your body feels cooler when it finds stillness. 

The word “Nidra” translates to sleep, but you don’t want to completely fall asleep and lose consciousness during this practice.

This guided practice is best using headphones, but speakers can work in a quiet room as well. 

After you are finished listening to the guided practice, sit up and find the scrap/loose piece of paper you wrote on before. Get rid of it. If you can safely burn it, do so. Otherwise, rip it up with your hands and toss it or shred it with a shredder. 

Set a timer for 5, 10 or 15 minutes and journal about your Yoga Nidra experience, any new insights and how much you were able to let go of the thing. 

Repeat this ritual as many times as needed to really let go of what needs to be released. It’s most effective during a full moon but you can practice this any time.

More Simple / Modern / Practical Full Moon Rituals to Clear Clutter, Negative Habits and Energy

  1. Unsubscribe from email lists you no longer read

  2. Unsubscribe from automated or streaming services you don’t use

  3. Disconnect from all your screens for the day (TV, computer, phone, tablet, etc.)

  4. Don’t check your social media for a day

  5. Clean out your junk drawer

  6. Donate clothes you no longer wear

  7. Take a warm bath with epsom salts

  8. Pay off and/or cancel a unused credit card

  9. Clean out your fridge

  10. Clean out your pantry

  11. Clean up a cluttered area of your home

  12. Clean out & wash your car

  13. Write down and reflect on 3 accomplishments from this cycle

  14. Cross something off your to-do list that’s been on there for a while

  15. Get a haircut

  16. Clean off your computer desktop

  17. Delete unused apps on your phone/computer

  18. Clear the clutter out of your email inbox

  19. Clean out your purse or wallet

  20. Weed your garden

  21. Get a massage

  22. Finish reading a book

  23. Clean out your garage

  24. Prune your houseplants

  25. Shred or clear out your junk mail / paper pile

  26. Break down & recycle cardboard boxes used to ship online orders

  27. Do a one day detox by drinking only water and eating only whole, healthy foods for the day

  28. Vacuum your home/clean the floors

  29. Do extra laundry, especially bed linens & things that aren’t washed as often

  30. Mow the lawn

  31. Clean your home windows (inside or outside)

  32. Give your dog a bath

  33. Sweat it out in a sauna

  34. Take a cold plunge in a pool, river or waterfall

  35. Pick up trash around your neighborhood or a nearby park/trail

  36. Throw out & replace old socks & underwear

  37. Organize your kid’s closets/clothes/toys & donate what y’all don’t need

  38. Clean your baseboards

  39. Clean tubs/toilets/sinks in your bathroom

  40. Unfollow/unfriend accounts on social media that stress you out

  41. Restart your phone

  42. Clear out old/bad photos on your phone (blurry, duplicates, screenshots, etc)


Each Moon has a traditional name that is also inspired by Nature:

January Full Moon = Wolf Moon

February Full Moon = Snow Moon

March Full Moon = Worm Moon

April Full Moon = Pink Moon

May Full Moon = Flower Moon

June Full Moon = Strawberry Moon 

July Full Moon = Buck Moon

August Full Moon = Sturgeon Moon

September Full Moon = Corn Moon or Harvest Moon

October Full Moon = Hunter’s Moon 

November Full Moon = Beaver Moon

December Full Moon = Cold Moon

Learn more about the traditional Full Moon name meanings. 

Namaste & Have A Great Day!
💖 Miranda

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