Hip Opening Yoga for Hikers Video (20 Minutes)
Who wants happier hips for hiking?! 🙋♀️
(Say that five times fast!) 😂
My name is Miranda Peterson. I am the owner/founder of Namaste in Nature and an RYT500 yoga teacher based in Asheville, North Carolina, USA. I created this short, 20 minute yoga video to help hikers open up those tight hips before or after a hike.
It’s also great for walkers & trail runners or if your hips are tight from lack of movement like sitting or driving.
True Story: I had already hiked about 6 miles before filming this! ⛰️
Here’s the breakdown of each pose in sequence:
Do a few rounds of cat pose & cow pose. Inhale and drop the navel down for cow pose. Exhale and arch the back for cat pose.
2. Stay in a table top position with a long spine and rotate the hips 5 times in each direction.
3. Bring the hips back towards the heels, keep the arms extended forward and let the forehead rest on the mat. Knees can be together or big toes can be together with knees spread apart. Take a few breaths in this pose.
4. Lift the hips back up, straighten the arms and legs and come into downward dog with your legs hips width apart.
5. Alternate bending your left and right knees a few times to “walk your dog” and warm up your ankles, feet, hamstrings, calves and hips.
6. Bring your right foot forward between your hands with the right knee aligned over the right ankle. Left knee rests on the Earth. In this half splits pose, we are going to move forward and backward with our breath. On the inhale, bend into the knee with the chin up and chest forward.
7. On the exhale, keep your left knee planted while you move your hips back towards your heels and straighten the right leg. Right toes point up towards the sky and your torso and head will slighly fold over your right leg. You can move your hands backward and forward slightly as needed.
Repeat 5 times.
8. Heel-toe the right foot out to the right side of the mat and bring both arms to the inside of the right leg. This is Lizard Pose or Lizard Lunge. Right knee is aligned over the right ankle. You can keep your arms straight and your hands planted on the Earth or…
[Optional] You can bring your forearms down to the Earth and lower the torso for a deeper hip stretch.
[Optional] Reach the right arm back and grab the left foot/ankle for a quad stretch. After a breath or two, gently release the left leg back to the Earth.
9. Heel-toe the right foot to the left side of the mat and let the right knee come down to the mat. The right foot will likely be closer to your left hip and you come into Pigeon Pose. Square your hips so that the weight is centered (you are not leaning more to the left or the right). Hands are on the Earth.
[Optional] You can bring the forearms to the Earth and fold forward.
10. Bring your hands back to the Earth and gently lift the left leg, releasing the right leg up and back. Return to Downward Dog and perhaps invite some movement to the hips, knees and ankles.
11. Bring the left leg forward between the hands with the left knee aligned over the left ankle. Repeat the Half Splits sequence on this side.
12. Heel-toe the left leg towards the left side of the mat and repeat Lizard Pose/Lunge on this side with the same options.
13. heel-toe your left foot towards the right hip and spend a few breaths in Pigeon Pose on this side.
14. Lift the left leg up, releasing the right leg up and back into Downward Dog.
15. Bring your knees to the mat and transition to being seated. Bring the soles of the feet together and let the knees fall out to either side of the body. The closer your hips are to your pelvis, the deeper the stretch will be in the hip flexors. Make any adjustments you need and then settle into this pose for a few breaths.
[Optional] You can fold the body forward over the feet as long as both hip bones stay grounded on the Earth.
16. Use the hands to help bring the bent knees together then invite movement into the hips and legs my letting both legs fall to the left and to the right like windshield (windscreen) wiper blades.
17. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Bring the right ankle in front of the left knee. You can rest here with the left foot on the Earth for a more passive stretch or you can reach around both sides of the left thigh, clasping the hands for a little more active stretch. Feel free to rotate one or both ankles here. in Figure 4 Pose.
18. Let your hips scoot towards the right of your mat and the knees fall towards the left. The back and both shoulders should stay on the Earth. If your knees don’t reach the Earth, place a blanket or yoga block or book underneath the knees for extra support. This is a reclined, supine spinal twist. Your gaze can be up or away from the knees
You have three options for the legs:
[1] Keep the right ankle in front of the left knee so the sole of the right foot is on the Earth
[2] Release the right knee to the Earth with the right ankle underneath or slightly in front of the left knee
[3] Stack both knees so the right leg/knee/ankle rests on top of the left
19. Bring the knees back to center and return both feet to the Earth. Bring the left ankle in front of the right knee with the same options for Figure 4 Pose.
20. Repeat the reclined supine spinal twist with the knees facing towards your right side. Same options here.
21. Bring the knees back to center and make any final movements you want to complete your practice. Options include hugging the knees and rocking side to side to massage the lower back and/or grabbing the outsides of the feet for Happy Baby Pose.
Then extend the arms and legs out, settling into Corpse Pose (Savasana) for final relaxation. You can rest here as long as you like.
Thanks so much for joining me for this hip opening yoga sequence for hikers. I know my hips are definitely happier after this practice and I hope yours are happier too.
Namaste & Have A Great Day!
💖 Miranda
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Disclaimer: Yoga and meditation provide great benefits but only you know your own body and limits. Please consult your health care professional with any questions or concerns before starting any physical or exercise program. When participating in any physical activity, there is the possibility of injury. The creators of this video, its distributors, and performers are not liable for any injury, accident, or health impairment befalling and viewer of this program or any individual utilizing the techniques suggested in this video.