November 30 Day Gratitude Challenge (Journaling + Meditation + Yoga)

November 30 Day Gratitude Challenge (Journaling + Meditation + Yoga)

We are wrapping up the season of yoga hikes and are feeling more reflective so we’re celebrating the month of gratitude and Thanksgiving with a meditation and series of journaling prompts for you to practice each day in November.

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Daily 5-Minute Guided Gratitude Meditation

30 Day Gratitude Challenge Journaling

25 Minute Yoga for Gratitude

Gratitude for Past, Present and Future

Gratitude Research Resources

Whether you sit for five minutes and write a little note or you dive headfirst into the deepest depths of your soul, there are a ton of mental and spiritual benefits that come with journaling. Think processing and integrating. This is your time to remember all that you’re grateful for.

Will you join me on this 30-day challenge?

Scientific research has shown that journaling enhances memory, improves clarity, creativity and focus, lessens stress, processes emotions and helps to heal emotional pain, liberates from self-limiting beliefs, helps to find new meaning and purpose, increases confidence, catalyzes spiritual growth, provides therapy for trauma and change such as illnesses, addictions and relationship problems, removes mental blocks and allows you to use all of your brainpower to better understand yourself, others and the world around you.

Daily 5 Minute Gratitude Meditation

Reflecting on a few things you are grateful for is a great way to end your day! Do this meditation every day for 30 days to feel more gratitude for the people and blessings in your life.

✍️ A Month of Gratitude Journaling

1. What do you love most about your life at this moment in time?

2. What positive changes have come this fall/autumn season? 

3. Who would you like to send a thank-you card to and why?  (And maybe do it for real!)

4. Where is your favorite place to be and why? 

5. List all the ways that you are healthy & abundant in life.

6. Which animal(s) in nature do you connect with the most?

7. What is your favorite way to end (and spend an additional hour of) your day? Do that today.

8. What is your favorite way to move (exercise) your body?

9. List (at least) five things that make your life easier. 

10. What things or activities help you to relax & reflect? 

11. Who is someone that has had a significant impact on your life and why?

12. Which of your physical characteristics are you most grateful for? 

13. What is your favorite way to play & how do you see play in your life?

14. Who has been your most inspirational teacher or guru?

15. What has been the highlight of your day or week? 

16. List at least five things you are grateful for in your home.

17. Imagine you had an entire day of no commitments or obligations. What things would you do that you love to do & how would you spend your special day?

18. What is an accomplishment you are proud of?

19. Can you recall three times you overflowed with gratitude?

20. Tell someone how grateful you are for them (even if only in your journal).

21. What made you laugh out loud this day or week?

22. List at least five special talents you have that make you unique.

23. Who is someone who has taught you about gratitude? 

24. Which foods give you the best feeling and most healthy energy?

25. How can you get outside and honor Nature today?

26. Have you ever experienced what you would call a miracle? 

27. What is working in your life? 

28. Write a letter to your body telling it how grateful you are to have it. List out the things you love about your body and let it feel good.

29. Write about a person you may not talk to or see very often but you know you can always count on.

30. What’s one difficult experience you’re really grateful you went through in hindsight?

25 Minute Yoga Flow for Feeling Grateful/Gratitude

This beginner-intermediate yoga flow will help you open your heart to feel more grateful (gratitude) for yourself, your body and your life. Personally, I like to practice this flow in November, especially around Thanksgiving.

Gratitude for Past, Present and Future

So in addition to appreciating your past and present, gratitude can also help you improve your life by planning for the future.

Personally, I like to spent November + December reflecting on the current year which helps me pick my theme word and create a vision board for the following year.

Learn more in the video below.

If you would like to learn more, check out the following research studies:

November is an important month for gratitude and will be the first month of our winter journaling challenge.

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