December Self-Reflection 31-Day Journaling Challenge

December Self-Reflection 31-Day Journaling Challenge

December is a beautiful opportunity to reflect on the past year. During this 31-day challenge, we invite you to think about what has changed and what you can let go of.

As you prepare for a new year, it is vital for your self-growth to take a look at how you evolved throughout this year. Evolution comes in many forms including inspiration, challenges, decisions, ambition and lifestyle.

When you reflect on how you have been living, you can compare your current reality to your desired outcome (or aspirational reality) and stay on the path to your dreams.

Will you join us for another self-reflection journaling challenge?

Scientific research has shown that journaling
• enhances memory
• improves clarity, creativity and focus
• lessens stress
• processes emotions
• helps to heal emotional pain
• liberates from self-limiting beliefs
• helps to find new meaning and purpose
• increases confidence
• catalyzes spiritual growth
• provides therapy for trauma and change such as illnesses, addictions and relationship problems
• removes mental blocks
• helps you better understand yourself, others and the world around you

We’ll post prompt reminders daily on Facebook and Instagram so make sure you follow us on your preferred social media platform.

December is the ideal month for self-reflection by slowing down and turning inward as you embrace the winter season. Let your creativity flow by carving out time in your day, 5 minutes or 5 pages, to sit with your journal and yourself. You may be amazed at what a difference a few words, a few days a week can make in overall happiness, clarity and direction.

See prompts below! Then, follow us on social media and/or write down all the prompts below to stay inspired as this year comes to an end.

A Month of Self-Reflection Journaling

1. Write about something you are grateful to have today that you didn’t have a year ago.

2. How have you truly expressed self-love this year?

3. How have you expressed love to others this year?

4. In one word, what has been your theme for this year?

5. In which ways have you best expressed yourself this year? 

6. What was the biggest challenge or struggle you overcame this year?

7. Reflect on the most fruitful relationship(s) you’ve built this year.

8. Reflect on a relationship(s) you’ve let go of this year. 

9. Discuss your relationship with money this year.

10. Have you read a book this year that changed your life? if so, how/why?

11. What is something you had been putting off but finally did and then felt amazing?

12. What was your biggest win this year?

13. Which emotions have been most prominent for you this year? 

14. What is a fear you have been working to overcome?

15. What was the most significant change you experienced? 

16. What has caused you the most stress this year? 

17. What kind of self-revelation, self-awareness or new understanding about yourself have you uncovered this year (even if it was a bit uncomfortable)?

18. Reflect on (at least) five ways you have grown this year.

19. When did you last feel absolute peace (if only for a moment)? From where did it root?

20. Which personalities did you clash with this year? 

21. What is your most treasured belonging? Why? 

22. Is there anything you have overindulged your time, attention or body to this year?

23. List all the people in your life who genuinely believe in and support you. 

24. [Christmas Eve] What do you think of spirituality/religion? What does it mean for you? How do you connect or not connect with these ideologies? 

25. [Christmas Day] What is your special gift that you give to or are withholding from the world? How can you open up to share this gift with the world more? 

26. Reflect upon your family’s traditions. Write down all that come to mind. Then, list the ones you would like to keep and leave the ones you can let go of. 

27. Which clothes make you feel the most comfortable? What clothes can you let go of?

28. What kinds of qualities do you most admire in a person? Are they qualities you share? If not, how can you embody these qualities next year?

29. How do you feel about your current relationships with friends and family? 

30. In what ways did you maintain balance in your life in this year? What does it mean to you “to take good care” of yourself? 

31. [New Year’s Eve] Based on the past 30 days what new theme had emerged for the new year?

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