Space/Ether Element Yoga Poses for Confidence, Exploration & Intuition
Yoga is very inspired by and connected to the elements of Nature: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space.
The Space (Ether) Element in Yoga
The Space (also called Ether) element contains both the space within us and the vastness of space all around us.
Space/ether energy arises from the 5th chakra, Visshudha, located in the throat/neck/shoulder area. This element represents coordination, boundaries, time, travel and organization of items & information. In other words, tap into this element to work on confidence, communication, intuition and exploration.
Physically, these poses tend to focus on opening up the neck, throat and shoulders.
The sense associated with the space/ether element is hearing/sound.
Traveling, exploring new places/spaces and meeting new people encourages you to be more open minded and compassionate to different people, cultures and ideas. I’m speaking from personal experience here, having explored and volunteered in over 40 countries across 6 continents.
Studies show that when you have proper posture, stand tall and take up more physical space, you feel more confident.
Notice the difference for yourself. First, spend a few moments sitting hunched over in your chair, head/gaze down, shoulders rolled forward and then stand up super-hero style with your feet firmly planed on the ground, spine erect, chest/shoulders open, fists on your hips and elbows out to the sides.
Space/ether yoga postures take up space like Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Star Pose (Utthita Tadasana), Wide Legged Forward Fold (Prasarita), Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana) and Shoulder Stand (Salamba Sarvangasana). To explore or connect to this element, try journaling; exploring and organizing your thoughts and emotions.
4 Favorite Space/Ether Element Yoga Poses for Confidence
1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
Stand with your feet hip width apart and your shoulders relaxed and your palms open. Close your eyes and scan the parts of the body, noticing internal space from the feet all the way up to the crown of the head. Then explore the external space around you by slowing raising the arms on the inhale and lowering the arms on the exhale.
1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana)
2. Star Pose (Utthita Tadasana)
Extend your arms and legs out in all different directions, taking up as much space as you can. This pose may help you feel more powerful and confident.
2. Star Pose (Utthita Tadasana)
3. Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana)
Transition into this asana from star pose. This posture also takes up space but adds some strength - especially in the thighs and glutes - as you bend the knees & elbows and open up the arms and legs. Your hands can face forward or up towards the sky.
3. Goddess Pose (Utkata Konasana)
4. Wide Legged Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana)
With your legs wide, fold forward towards the Earth. From here, you have lots of arm variations to explore the space around you:
• Place your hands on the Earth or blocks beneath you
• Reach/stretch towards the right and left toes
• Reach back behind you (between your legs)
• [Pictured here] Interlace your hands behind your back and let them fall forward for a nice shoulder stretch
4. Wide Legged Forward Fold (Prasarita Padottanasana)
12 Minute Mountain Meditation in Nature for Expansion/Creating Space
This 12-ish minute meditation will help you create mental, emotional, physical and spiritual space if you're feeling heavy, stuck or weighted down with unwanted emotions, thoughts, memories or anxiety.
Space is important because without it, nothing can exist within it. We also want to be aware of what is occupying our internal and external space; what we want to keep and what we want to get rid of to create space for new or more desirable emotions, thoughts, ideas, relationships and activities.
40 Minute Mountain Outdoor Yoga Flow for Expansion/Creating Space
When your whole life and routine changes, it's hard not to feel burdened or weighed down with excess thoughts, emotions and anxieties. That's why I got outside and hiked to one of my favorite mountaintop spots this weekend and recorded these videos to help you create space mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.
You ARE the Space Element.
Although we appear to be solid, we are actually made up of atoms that are mostly space between the nucleus and orbiting electrons. We can also physically move and travel to explore the space around us.
You deserve to take up space in this world!
Space Element Health Challenges for Openness
Connect with the Space element by mixing up your routine and trying new things with the intention of exploration and self-discovery.
Plan a trip and visit a place you’ve never been before.
Spend time outdoors hiking or walking a trail or park that is new to you.
Drive or walk a different route to a place you visit often like work, school or church.
Try a new restaurant, cook a new recipe or taste a new food.
Have a conversation/discussion with someone with the goal of having your mind changed instead of trying to change his/her mind.
Namaste & Have A Great Day!
💖 Miranda
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